Pet Peave #1 in running...Stay on your side!
On Saturday I was at the end of a 10 mile run, coming straight up hill (a mile uphill to be exact) and just as I was finally approaching the top there was a young girl running down hill towards me. First of all I run against traffic (after many closecalls with nonwatching or nonstopping cars) I've learned to run against traffic to see whats coming. So there was snow to my left, cars to my right and a girl coming straight for me. Usually in this case, you each pick your side and pass eachother. But this girl wasn't going to pick any side. So as I keep waiting and propelling myself forward (I'm struggling uphill) at the last second she decides to move at the same time as me. So we proceed to play lets move the same exact way untill we almost run into eachother. Finally I'm forced to stop dead and say to her in my most annoyed tone (annoyed that I'm having to waste my needed oxygen at this point on talking) "What way are you going"? So moral of the story...pick a side, stay there and better yet, please stay away from me when I'm going uphill.
Other than that and the awful yucky weather we've been having, trainings been going pretty well. I'm afraid that I'm developing a heel spur on my left heel, but after a couple of miles the pain tends to fade. And as long as I don't put much weight on it throughout the day, I'm fine. We'll see how long this lasts. I'm hoping for no injuries this time around. Fingers crossed...again.